I want to introduce to you someone that is particularly special to me. A lady who has been able to transform my horse and me! Purely by making me move well and then ride well!
Now I know this is not style related, BUT this is one for the horse riders out there. I am super excited to spread the love on this topic.
What if you got told you could change your posture in a certain way that will in fact make you ride better???
Debbie Rolmanis, author, equestrian coach, movement educator and sports therapist has taught me and my mare more than I expected when she came to visit us for a treatment.
My mare is 30 this year and still going strong, big thanks to Debbie! For years I was riding a super stiff and grouchy mare (she is chestnut after all) I am now able to ride a happier, free moving horse that actually enjoys her work. I get to ride her 3-4 times a week. (weather dependent – don’t judge me but I am much more of a fair weather rider these days) Following a treatment from Debbie for myself and one for Heidi we both have changed the way we move. If it hadn’t been for finding Debbie my mare would have been retired a long time ago.
Debbie is super experienced in working on both horses and humans. She worked as a soft tissue therapist at the 2012 London Olympics for the NZ Para Equestrian Team and again at WEG 2014!
After spending the majority of my day sat at a desk for work, I sit in my car for half an hour, then expect to ride with a supple body and my horse to go great…..?! Anyone else with me on this one? My expectations on my body and my horse were pretty high given I wasn’t doing anything to help either.
I spent time with Debbie over a period of 6 weeks carrying out movement classes. During these sessions I learnt to make simple but hugely effective changes to my body. This meant learning to breathe and walk properly. (Surely I knew how to do that – turns out not so well!)
Now I am not the greatest at sticking to gym routines. Exercise in general other than riding or dog walking doesn’t always appeal to me much. The lazy side of my brain kicks in when anyone mentions the gym! However………. just adjusting the way I stood, walked, even brushed my teeth has made a great change to my body.
Amongst many of us office working equestrians, my hips get stiff. This then means I grip up with my lower leg and restrict my horse’s movement whilst riding. Spending time listening to Debbie and her explanation of how our bodies tick has made me think twice. Debbie has some easy and straightforward exercises to work on that has improved my hip flexibility and my posture.
Debbie has crafted a wonderful book Move Well to Ride Well which holds a bundle of useful tips and explanations that can change your body. The underlying reason for her passing on this message to us all – so we can ride better!

I’d happily pay good money for that!! After I followed Debbie’s tips and techniques my overall posture and stiffness has improved heaps. I had to learn to walk and breathe correctly mind you! I thought I knew that basic stuff fairly well. Turns out I have been getting it wrong for the 30 something years of my life. Debbie has been able to show me a smarter way to breathe and walk that has purpose and also helps me with my riding.
I highly recommend getting your mitts on her book. It is so worth a read, I am all for anything that will improve my riding. Slightly wrong reason to improve my own health and posture, but all for a good cause for the horse!
You can purchase her book if you follow the link hereā” Biomechanics for the Equestrian: Move Well to Ride Well
Let me know what you all think!
Happy reading
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